What is Self-Direction?

The Self-Directed service model is a Medicaid Waiver Program under the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) that provides participants and their families with more freedom and choice than traditional services. With an individualist approach, participants are able to manage their budget, staff and time to participate in activities and receive services based on individual interests, strengths and weaknesses. Most importantly, Self-Direction gives you the independence to choose how you build your life.

Our Mission

Maryland Self-Direction Services is here to be your guide, advocate and partner throughout your journey with Self-Direction. We can help you get started and assist on an ongoing basis. We will act as a liaison between you, your CCS and DDA to ensure your plan runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. Our connection to advocacy groups, state legislatures, and DDA leaders keeps us up to date on all the ever-changing medicaid regulations. We are here to keep you informed and offer you advice.

Work with us as your support broker!